Who are the screens really for? Them? Or Us

I’m scrolling through my calendar, looking at all the meetings I have for the day. It’s packed, and our little company is growing. 


When I get focused, miracles happen. 


Then, my 7 year old son comes up to me and wants me to look at things, play with things, make things with him, do things with him, discuss things with him. Ask me a zillion questions. I love questions, and I love you, but now just really isn’t the time. 


But you know what would be amazing in this moment? A child who is engaged, entertained, happy and, most of all quiet. 


Not making a mess, not asking for things, not breaking things. 


“Mummy, can I watch something”. Clutched in his little hands is the ipad. His hopeful eyes glisten. He knew just the moment to ask. And there it was. The promise of relief. The peace, the quiet, the focus. I can turn back to my work, not feeling like my head is splitting in multiple directions. 


Trying to be a mum. Trying to run a company. Trying to be a wife, a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, a friend, a neighbour, a functioning member of society. It can get tough sometimes. 


We think it’s the kids who are addicted. And they are, aren’t they? Endless entertainment right at their finger tips. Maybe we can even tell ourselves that if they’re watching ‘educational content’ then somehow they are still learning something. 


To be honest with you, I am in the thick of it, at this moment. I don’t have any answers, but I do have questions. Questions I’m sure we all have like:

  • What impact is this going to have on their relationships?

  • What impact is this going to have on their eyes?

  • What impact is this going to have on their brains?

  • What impact is this going to have on our family?

  • But if we don’t give it to them, how will they live in a future world where technology is is so pivotal?

  • How do I make sure they can have great relationships, the ability to socialise, make connections, but also not be left behind in an AI driven tech world; a world, I might add, that at this point is unimaginable to us?  


What are your thoughts? Your challenges? Your strategies? 



We banned the ipad except for educational use, and created a screen limit of 30 minutes a day. A limit that seemed really easy to follow, until my son wanted to start watching my all time favourite Avenger movies… and boy, did he know it! 

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